Club Records

We are currently transferring our club records over to a new system: “Golden Records Online”. Please expect some bugs on this page while we do so. If you are having issues using Golden Records Online, please email the Records Officer.

Target Records

Outdoor Records Recently Broken

Indoor Records Recently Broken

Indoor Records

Outdoor Records

Clout Records

(Last updated: August 2024)

Flight Records

(Last updated: August 2024)

Field Records

Coming soon…

What is a Club Record?

Whenever you shoot and score in archery, you have a chance to score a personal best at the round you are shooting. A similar thing can be said for club records. Club records exist to give you a goal to strive for and foster a friendly competitiveness in the club. Club records recognise the best score at a given round shot by someone in the club. They’re separated by bowstyle, gender, and age bracket to ensure a fair and level playing field for everyone.

What Rounds Are Eligible for a Club Record?

Any round recognised by Archery GB (our national governing body) that is shot and scored on a range set up in accordance with Archery GB’s guidance may be eligible for a club record providing the following conditions are met:

  • You are a full member of Morecambe Bay Archers
  • There is a risk assessment in place for the range
  • The round is witnessed by another archer
  • A scoresheet is completed when scoring (except for Flight rounds)

Some examples of places you might be able to score a club record: a round you shoot at the club with fellow archers, a round you shoot in open competition, a round you shoot at an archery shop with a coach.

Claiming a Club Record

To claim a club record for Target or Field: if you have a “Golden Records Online” account, simply upload your score like you would with any other score. Make sure to add your scoresheet. If you’ve shot a new club record, your score will be automatically be sent to the Records Officer for approval. If you don’t have a Golden Records Online account, ask the Records Officer to set one up for you.

To claim a club record for Clout: if you have a “Golden Records Online” account, simply upload your score for each 36-arrow clout like you would with any other score. Make sure to add your scoresheet. If you’ve shot two-way, put this in the “notes” section. If you’ve shot a WA Clout round, put the distance in the “notes” section. Once you’ve done this, please email the Records Officer with an email saying what rounds you’ve shot. Golden Records Online doesn’t differentiate between one- and two-way shooting for Archery GB Clout, nor between different distances for World Archery Clout. Golden Records Online also can’t calculate combined scores for Double and Double Double rounds. As a result, this needs to be calculated manually – so you need to email to tell us if you’re claiming a record. If you don’t have a Golden Records Online account, ask the records officer to set one up for you.

To claim a club record for Flight: email the Records Officer with a copy of the results sheet for the shoot, showing the distance shot in metric, imperial, or both.

Appealing a Rejected Club Record

Very few club record claims are rejected. Most rejected club record claims are rejected automatically by Golden Records Online due to a missing scoresheet. If this happens, simply add the missing scoresheet to the score, and email the Records Officer to let us know you’ve done so. It can then be manually approved. Other common errors that may cause a record to be rejected are: clicking on the wrong round (IE: shooting a “WA18 Triple-Spot” and selecting the similarly named “WA18”), mis-typing hits and golds in the wrong boxes, and clicking on the wrong bowstyle. If this happens, simply rectify the error on Golden Records Online and email the Records Officer to let us know you’ve done so.

If the above steps don’t resolve your issue, you can email the Records Officer to appeal the decision and ask for an explanation of why the record claim was rejected. If the response you receive isn’t satisfactory, you can appeal the decision to the club Chair, who will have the final say.