Ian Robinson
Ian has been involved in several local clubs, including Kendal Bowmen, and Bowmen of Holme; and a Level 2 coach previously working at Northern Archery, making him the ideal person to lead the club. Needless to say, we believe he's the driving force behind the club!
Alongside organising the club and coaching archers, Ian has been an active compound archer, winning trophies in many competitions, and being Cumbria County champion on several occasions. He's even shot in the Vegas shoot!
Recently though, a shoulder injury has seen Ian move across to shooting horsebow, however he's still just as accurate with his new setup!
He's also our main point of contact for joining the club
Sean MacIver
Secretary, Welfare officer
Mick Urbaniak
Peter Sims
Equipment Officer, Tournament Officer, Social media
Jesse Phillips
Records Officer
Nye O'Neil
Tournament organiser, Social media/ website
It's Nye's job to organise our in person tournaments and our Portsmouth Postal League, and support Stuart for our Summer Sunburn League. He's been in local archery for 20 years, previously at John O'Gaunt's Bowmen and Salt Ayre Sports Centre, before joining MBA.
Nye's main bowstyle is Olympic Recurve, shooting his trusty Hoyt Avalon outdoors, and Hoyt Helix indoors; whilst also dabbling in traditional Barebow with his Bodnik Crow, and more recently Longbow.
You can also find Nye coaching at Northern Archery and Lancaster Uni Archery Club, or plotting trips for Krispy Kreme doughnuts after competitions
Outside of archery, Nye's an Environmental Mapper, spamming his Instagram with his #fridayfieldworkphotodump, and can be found doing open water swimming and hiking
Jesse Phillips
Coaching Officer
It's Jesse's job to get us hitting the gold, and they seem to be doing an alright job so far. Jesse takes up the role having previously been the coach for Lancaster University Archery Club and the Scouts
Jesse's main bowstyle is Olympic Recurve, alongside shooting Barebow and Compound in our Postal Leagues.
A regular competitor. Jesse represented Cumbria in the 2022 outdoor season, having finished 3rd in the Cumbria Outdoor championships; and also finished 3rd in Gents Compound at the National Flight Championships.
Outside of archery, Jesse's working towards a PhD in Computer Science at Lancaster University, and also leads a local Scout group.